If you ever feel you’re in a rut, or in a doom-full TikTok scroll, this one’s for you. Today I’ll be reviewing some of my most beloved ways to re-align your breathing and take back focus on your day. We are constantly under pressure to perform, complete, and execute. Always remember, that if your body is telling you it needs a moment, you must honor that instinct. The body knows more than your mind could ever ever imagine. Let’s begin.
1. Regulate your Breathing
This one is a simple but effective strategy. All you have to do is put some intention behind it. At any moment in your busy day, if you need a quiet moment, start here.
Quiet your mind as much as possible. Take the biggest deep breath you have that day. Start with the 3-3-3 rule. For 3 seconds, inhale into your stomach. Have the intention that you are brining all this new breath and energy into your diaphragm for 3 slow seconds. Once your body is filled with air, hold this breath for 3 seconds. Then slowly, release the breath and any negative thoughts you feel. Release it all in that out breath. Repeat this 3-4x times, or as many times as needed to feel your nervous system come back down to Earth. I perform this before big meetings or if I’m having trouble falling asleep. It is an absolute game changer if you are struggling with getting comfortable. This tip came from one of my most beloved book reads Healing Depression the Mind Body Way by Nancy Liebler & Sandra Moss.
2. Move your Body
There is so much research out there that movement for the body is key to longevity. I believe we are overloaded with having to meet these standards set upon us on society to do the most. Moving your body can be as simple as going for a 5 brisk minute walk around the block, heck around the house. Just move. Move around. Moving your body will start to silence your mind. Don’t live in your mind all day, it can become a lonely place. My favorite ways to move my body are by following a long a quick youtube video, if at my desk. Or, if I can make the time, getting a walk in around the neighborhood. Make every excuse to move your body as you would to stay in bed after your alarm went off.
3. Meditate
In moments of gratefulness, you cannot be anxious. They are mutually exclusive. When you are in a state of gratefulness, you cannot be in your mind. You are radiating from your heart. Meditation has become a huge tool I’ve used in 2023. You can really meditate on anything. When my 13 year old dog passed away, I did an animal grieving meditation. It was tremendously helpful in allowing my grieving feelings to be processed in a healthy but uplifting way.
In this example, I am providing a short and effective meditation that you can put on at any time. This grounding meditation will remind you that your presence here is a gift, you are powerful, and you have free will. Don’t let this life pass you by without remembering you a badass superhero. You can really do anything you believe to be true. You just have to believe yourself. Do you believe in yourself?
When life seems chaotic and you don’t have a moment to yourself, just remember you deserve the space to pause. I hope these three helpful tips can give you a moment of peace in your day. Remember, you cannot fill from an empty cup.