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My Morning Routine

I am a morning person through and through. Morning is the most productive part of my day. I am clear, organized, driven, and happy. It took me a while to love my morning, and I give gratitude in part to the morning routine I’ve created for myself.

1. Oral Care 

The first thing I do before scrolling through my phone is oral care. It’s really important to brush your teeth prior to breakfast and coffee (not many people know this). My oral care routine takes about 15 minutes alone. I floss, brush, and then finish by tongue scraping.

2. Organizing

The second step in my morning routine is tidying up. This includes making the bed. If it’s laundry day (Monday or Tuesday), I’ll also gather my laundry. I’ll put away any clothes from prior laundry. I’ll vacuum the floor. I’ll feed my plants. Anything that entails a mess or clutter, is getting decluttered.

3. Clothes and Face

Next I’ll change into my day clothes and start my morning skin care. I am loving Youth to the People SUPERFOOD Cleanser, although it’s rated poorly on Yuka… Followed by serum, eye cream, and moisturizer.

4. Yoga 

Next is one of my favorite segments of the routine, morning yoga. For about a year now, I’ve been practicing yoga every morning. My most beloved yoga youtube page is Yoga with Bird. She has it all from long flows, to minimal cues, to 10 minute stretches. She is constantly updating her content and even has a subscription page.

5. Warm Lemon Water and Salt 

Everyone growing up told you that hydration is key. Always drink your water. They forgot to mention, the water nowadays has been depleted of all it’s natural minerals. Unless you’re drinking glacier water on tap. To get around this, you can replenish your water with electrolytes, aka salt.

I dabble a sprinkle of celtic salt on my tongue. Let it sit for a few seconds, then rinse it down with water. Instant hydration thanks to the celtic crystal structure forcing oxygen into your RBCs.

I genuinely look forward to heating up water and having it with squeezed lemon. There’s something about the warm water waking up my entire body. It feels relaxing and I’m hydrating while doing it!

6. Reading and ice Rolling

Another habit I picked up in 2023 was reading. I never read for joy past college because I had ptsd from being forced to read. When I realized I could read at my own pace, with no due dates, it became fun again. I love ice rolling while I’m reading along with a good drink. My face is snatched and by keeping it in the freezer, my eyes instantly wake up when they feel that ice steam.



I hope this gives you inspiration if you are ironing out your own morning routine. Morning routines should be exciting and something you look forward it. Yes you may have a laundry list of things to get done, but sprinkle in and habit stack activities you look forward to. Once you create the routine of your dreams, you won’t be hitting snooze any longer.