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What is Emotion Code?

“Woah woah woah, what is this… I’m seeing it all over the place now. It’s trending. It’s the newest infrared therapy”.  I hope this is what people will be saying 10-15 years from now.

So what is Emotion Code?

In simple terms, I like to describe Emotion Code to my clients like this: a hybrid of Reiki and Therapy.

Comparing Emotion Code to Reiki is like tying all energy work under an umbrella/industry. Energy work is still very new to the Western World. Little people have actually ever done an energy healing session where your energetic body is the subject of the healing. In contrast to Reiki, Emotion Code does not need to be performed physically in front of the patient. With consent from the client, Emotion Code can be performed by proxy, from anywhere in the world. The Universal Law that all things are connected, including our subconscious thoughts holds true. Emotion Code can also be performed on our furry little friends, how amazing is that?

Comparing Emotion Code to Therapy is like fast tracking the 5-10 years you sit speaking with a therapist on a dialogue of your choice to pinpointing the exact emotions that are causing your body to hold tension based on either passed down generational traumas or personal experiences within your own lifetime. One thing most people don’t know is that emotions are passed down from lineage to lineage if they are not cleared. The term ‘generational trauma’ in my opinion is really the passing down of emotions/belief systems. When a man and women conceive their child, they are passing down everything from their eye color to their belief system onto that baby.

The ethos of Emotion Code is as followed: releasing trapped emotions and energetic baggage with the intent to remove them to allow for a lighter heart, less emotional baggage, and equilibrium of the body. It is our birthright to be in perfect health. Emotion Code is one avenue that allows you to get back on that journey.

Eligible Candidates for Emotion Code:

-lingering limiting beliefs
-physical ailment that other therapies have not targeted/corrected completely
-looming concerns

Think you might be a fit for Emotion Code? It’s worth a try, the worst that can happen is nothing happens. Schedule with me here.


*Please note Emotion Code is a complementary therapy that’s often used alongside conventional medicine. It should not replace the care of your Doctors advice. If you are having a medical emergency you are encouraged to seek out professional medical help.

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