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Salmon Eggs Benedict

I absolutely adore breakfast foods. No matter the time of day, I am starting it with breakfast foods. I’ve learned and memorized a go-to for an easy Hollandaise sauce that you can whip up in 5 minutes time to top over your eggs at home. My version is dark orange, because I fell in love with spicy hollandaise sauce at Darwins, back in Brisbane. A piece of my heart still lives at that cafe. And so does the succulent that I left them with as a Thank You when I was departing the country.

At Home Hollandaise (Eggs Benedict sauce) Ingredients:

2 tbsp butter/ghee
1/2 lemon juice
pinch of salt
1 egg yolk
1 tsp dijon mustard
(to make it spicy, a squeeze of sriracha)
frother tool

1. Melt Butter
2. In a glass add butter, 1 egg yolk, lemon juice, salt, dijon mustard, and sriracha
3. Blend with your frother tool until thick
4. Pour on top of your creation

Now for the Salmon Eggs Benedict assembly

2 eggs
wild caught smoked salmon
1/4 cup red onion, chopped
3 tbsp capers
2 tbsp EBTS
1 piece of sourdough
cream cheese

1. Cook eggs in pot. Soft boiled is my go-to. I find it quickest, mess free, and oil free
2. Assemble toast, cream cheese, salmon
3. Top with EBTS, onion, capers
4. Add cooked eggs
5. Drizzle your holly sauce and well-ah
